About Neil
Neil’s research looks at the planning and management of infrastructure systems within the built environment. This includes the application of tools and techniques from the domains of Systems Thinking and Systems Engineering to improve resilience, sustainability and the ways in which infrastructure facilities well-being.
- A systems approach to improving health consideration in UK urban development: a real estate perspective
- Rail Industry Perspectives on the Future of Autonomous Mainline Operations
- Local infrastructure governance in Peru: a systems thinking appraisal
- Promoting sustainable urban freight through stakeholder engagement to co-create decarbonisation pathways in the UK
- Constructing Causal Loop Diagrams from large interview data sets
- Spatial plans as a critical intervention in improving population health. A discourse arising from a health census review of the state of current local planning policy in England
- Blockchain-based Built Environment Data Management for Modular Construction
- Functionality Assessment of Road Network Combining Flood Roadworthiness and Graph Topology
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