About John

John May leads research in the Safety Systems Research Centre, which is a part of the South West Nuclear Research and Teaching Hub, in which he is a steering committee member. The SSRC studies risk and resilience in a new breed of highly complex systems built by man.
- Software Unit Test Coverage and Adequacy
- Reliability estimation from appropriate testing of plant protection software
- Building a system failure rate estimator by identifying component failure rates
- Estimating bounds on the reliability of diverse systems
- Towards wireless communication in control systems of the civil nuclear energy sector
- Using causal loop diagrams to explore behavioural and socio-technical safety challenges
- Question-set to understand and evaluate socio-technical resilience (QUESTOR)
- Final position paper on advanced C&I substantiation: Future assurance of programmable C&I systems in UK nuclear plants
- Exploring site risk for a Multi Unit SMR Site
- Improving resilience to major safety events by analysing case studies
- Achieving greater resilience to major events: Organisational learning for safety risk management in complex environments
- A Proactive Genotype for Cybernetic Systems
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